A man speaking a Funny Persuasive Speech

20 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics That Will Have Your Audience Laughing AND Learning

Public speaking. These two words can send shivers down even the most confident people on earth. But fear not, speech enthusiasts! Here’s the secret weapon you’ve been waiting for humour. Laughter is the bridge that connects you with your audience, making even the driest topic engaging. So, ditch the monotone and channel your inner stand-up comedian with these 20 hilariously persuasive speech topics guaranteed to make a lasting impression:

20 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

1. Why Your Favorite Childhood Snack Deserves National Recognition: Forget fancy hors d’oeuvres, it’s time to celebrate the true MVPs of after-school snacking. Is it the gooey goodness of fruit roll-ups or the crunchy magic of Dunkaroos? Step up to the podium and champion your nostalgic pick!

2. The Case for Pajamas as Formal Attire: Tired of the suit-and-tie routine? Who needs dry cleaning bills when you have the comfort of PJs? Persuade your audience that productivity and a good night’s sleep are the cornerstones of success, and comfy pyjamas are the ultimate enablers!

3. Why Your Pet Should be the New CEO: Let’s face it, meetings are boring, and cubicles are soul-crushing. Make a case for promoting your furry friend (or feathered companion!) to the top spot. After all, who can resist those adorable begging eyes and the unmatched enthusiasm for nap time?

4. The Superiority of Socks with Sandals: A fashion faux pas or a liberating trend? Take a stand on this age-old debate, and convince the audience that comfort and practicality should trump outdated fashion rules. Maybe even throw in a personal story about your most comfortable sock-and-sandal combo!

5. Why Nap Time Should be Mandatory for Everyone (Adults Included): Science agrees! Power naps boost creativity and alertness. Fight for the right to recharge in the middle of the day. Imagine a world where everyone’s afternoon slump becomes a period of renewed energy!

6. The Unsung Hero of the Fridge: Pickled Condiments (or Leftovers?): Pickles, kimchi, olives – these tangy, sometimes pungent, additions to our meals deserve more respect! Or maybe you want to champion that forgotten container of last night’s dinner. Either way, convince your audience that these fridge dwellers are the secret stars of every culinary adventure.

7. Why Your Guilty Pleasure Reality TV Show is a Masterpiece of Social Commentary: Is it “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” or “The Bachelor”? Who cares! Dive into the depths of reality TV and unearth the hidden layers of drama that make it a sociological goldmine.

8. Why Texting Should Replace Formal Communication (Just Kidding… Maybe): Imagine a world where emails disappear and emojis take over. Explore the pros (convenience, speed) and cons (lost nuance) of a purely text-based communication world.

9. The Importance of Owning a Completely Useless Talent: Can you wiggle your ears or recite every line from your favourite childhood movie? Embrace your seemingly useless talents and argue that they add a dash of personality and entertainment to the world.

10. The Existential Crisis of Your Phone When You Leave it at Home: Have you ever felt the phantom vibration in your pocket? This is your opportunity to explore the strange codependency between humans and their phones, turning it into a hilarious look at modern anxieties.

11. The Underrated Genius of Memes: These internet staples go beyond funny cat videos. Explore how memes hold a mirror to society, capturing current events, trends, and emotions in a single image.

12. Why Your Favorite Board Game Should be an Olympic Sport: Monopoly, Scrabble, Pictionary – the possibilities are endless! Advocate for your favourite game, highlighting the strategic thinking, social interaction, and pure joyful frustration it brings.

13. Why Every Workplace Needs a Slide: Break the monotony of the office with a practical and fun suggestion – a slide! Imagine the efficiency boost and the sheer joy rides it would bring.

14. Why We Should All Talk in Movie Quotes: “May the force be with you,” “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” Movie quotes are ingrained in our pop culture consciousness. Persuade your audience that everyday communication would be infinitely more entertaining if delivered entirely in movie lines.

15. The Superiority of One-Ply Toilet Paper (Just Hear Me Out): We all have strong opinions on this one. Become the champion of the thin and efficient, arguing that one-ply gets the job done with less waste (and maybe a dash of self-reliance)!

16. Why Folding Laundry is a Conspiracy by Big Detergent: Mountains of laundry piling up? Challenge the very notion of folding clothes. Maybe it’s all a ploy by the detergent companies to keep us buying more soap!

17. Why Your Most Embarrassing Childhood Story is a Valuable Life Lesson: We all have them – those cringe-worthy moments from our youth. But what if those awkward encounters taught us valuable life lessons? Embrace your embarrassing past and turn it into a relatable and humorous speech.

18. The Art of Talking to Plants (They’re Listening, You Know): Let’s face it, plants can be surprisingly good listeners. Explore the benefits of chatting with your leafy companions, highlighting the stress-relieving and potentially mood-boosting power of plant communication.

19. Why We Should Embrace the Art of the Power Nap (in Public!): Let’s advocate for designated areas for napping in public, allowing everyone to recharge and face the day or night with renewed energy. We could even suggest some humorous guidelines for public napping etiquette.

20. Why Everyone Needs a Theme Song for Their Life: Imagine a world where everyone walks around with their catchy soundtrack! Encourage your audience to create their personalized theme songs, adding a light-hearted and memorable twist to the concept of personal branding.


Remember, humour is a powerful tool. While these topics provide a launching pad, feel free to personalize them with your own experiences and comedic flair. Let your imagination come to life! Think about funny anecdotes, witty observations, or even playful props that can visually enhance your points. Embrace the unexpected! A well-timed joke or a hilarious tangent can take your audience by surprise and leave them even more engaged.

Most importantly, have fun with it! Your enthusiasm and enjoyment will be contagious. After all, the best persuasive speeches are not just informative, they’re funny. Think of yourself as an entertainer delivering a thought-provoking stand-up routine. So, grab the microphone, unleash your inner comedian, and prepare to leave a lasting impression.

Bonus Tip: Don’t be afraid to practice your delivery in front of a mirror or even a friendly audience member. Honing your comedic timing and adding a touch of physical humour can further amplify the impact of your speech. Now go forth and conquer that stage! The world awaits your unique blend of humour and persuasion.